It would be great to get a Player stats page like this( for my Server! (
Re: Stats Its an php Script. You have to run it On linux you could use a cronjob like that: sudo su minecraftuser -c "/usr/local/bin/php /home/minecraftuser/php/glizerstats.php" But php is needed to run it. EDIT by Krim: Sorry this is not correct. You must make this script available via a web server like apache2.
AW: Stats Ok, so I uploaded it onto my Webspace after filling in my MySQL Data, then I wrote the Path to the script in my glizer settings Page. So now pls tell my what I did wrong
Re: Stats Hi Core, sorry if i dont understand your question in his full size... but ... i have one for you, you are global banned from the Brauhaus, and now you want informations from us? And... the next question is: If you run glizer on your server... then you cant join your own, because your globaly banned : /
AW: Stats I guess you misunderstood the idea behind a global ban: A global ban only means a global reputation change of -10 for the player, most glizer servers deny access for players with a reputation lower or equal -40 (= globally banned on 4 servers). Concerning your question: Does your script show a valid JSON output when opened in a browser or is there an exception thrown?
AW: Stats Seems like Mediawiki has eaten some of the \ and ' chars... You should copy the source code from here rather than from the displayed page.
AW: Stats It's showing a blank page if you didn't request a data component. Open it with script.php?data=PLAYERNAME. If you get a result => then its working. You have to enter the LINK (!) on to the script - not your server path.
Re: Stats hey guys.. i can open the Detail but no info at this page.. no money no blocks.... can anyone help me ? see -->
Re: AW: Stats i read this Thread... but no Info to my Problem... i see my Site ---> but the Detail Stats (Broken Blocks, Money, Placed.....) dosen´t work.. My Server is running on a Root Server OS Win2003 R2 Server can anyone help me !?
AW: Stats I had the same a couple of weeks ago. It just didn't worked for me but I've never found the reason..
AW: Stats The plugin we provide is not working out of the box. You need to adapt it to your own configuration. It's not really user friendly, but it's not a killer feature of glizer.