and when I expired the server as this was my addition to the WorldEdit-buildings a building specifically in the eye ... The Cathedral of MastaLu! I rated the server and wanted to ask how do you like that?! Here is the German Chatlog... Den Anhang 1772 betrachten
and when I expired the server as this was my addition to the WorldEdit-buildings a building specifically in the eye ... The Cathedral of MastaLu! I rated the server and wanted to ask how do you like that?! Here is the German Chatlog... Den Anhang 1772 betrachten
AW: Server Report [Blizzards] Hey Irus, I think you overreact a little bit. Here the history of the cathedral: MastaLu and I built it up some weeks before he died. After his death it was decided to build a little shrine for him inside the church. In my point of view it's okay to copy the buildings of our old maps, that's why we provide them for download. So it's not too bad, that they copied the cathedral. The problem is the shrine, they should have taken it away, but they didn't. I think they just did not know the destiny of MastaLu. Also I think we can not penalize a server, just because they copied one of the Brauhaus buildings.
Re: Server Report [Blizzards] Well...i think Irus is right! I would be angry too, if they talk to me like that...copying is okay, but when i see the replies of the admin; he is ignoring what Irus is saying...
AW: Server Report [Blizzards] Yesterday, Knuddel, Phaku and I on their server. Meanwhile, they have removed the entrance to the shrine.
Re: Server Report [Blizzards] Schuldigung für die späte antwort habe den thread jetzt erst gefunden! [Ger] Hallo, Ich möchte mich im Namen aller Member und des Teams des Blizzards Server dafür entschuldigen! Uns war nicht bewusst was für eine Geschichte dahinter steckt! Natürlich möchten auch wir unser tiefstes beileid an dem tod von MastaLu ausdrücken! Als wir das erfahren haben, dank dem report von IrusVirus(danke) haben wir sofort die Kirche gelöscht und eine neue errichtet. Wir haben auch seit dem eine neue Regel die lautet: Es dürfen keine Gebäude von anderen Server kopiert werden! mfg Mcrain Serverbesitzer [ENG] Hello, I would like to apologize on behalf of all member of the team and the Blizzard servers for this! We did not realize what a story behind it! Of course we also want to express our deepest condolences on the death of MastaLu! When we learn that, thanks to the report of IrusVirus (thank you) we have immediately deleted and a new church built. We have also since a new rule states that: It may not be copied from another server building (sorry for bad english, google Translator) mfg Mcrain Serverowner PS: Bitte lest in Deutsch :) / Please read in German :) Falls das nicht genug ist sucht mich auf dem TeamSpeak3 auf oder in Skype! Skype: mc_rain_samuel teamspeak3: