Hacking player

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussion" wurde erstellt von BlackJack55, 26. August 2012.

  1. BlackJack55

    BlackJack55 Mitglied

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    matthias2000123 is hacking my server...
    could you please globalban this user?
    he deleted the server.log and removed a region where he griefed everything -.-
  2. Galliar12

    Galliar12 Stammi

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Re: Hacking player

    Onlinemode = True?

    Did he have the permission to open your console? And could it be that he give himself operator? or you give him operator?
  3. BlackJack55

    BlackJack55 Mitglied

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Re: Hacking player

    yes 'cause i got glizer on my server
    no he didn't had or have access to op or other thigs to do this
  4. Galliar12

    Galliar12 Stammi

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Hacking player

    Do you have any screens or Videos of his "Hacking"?

    Because no One will Ban someone without any evidence.
  5. Krim

    Krim Ist nicht Krim Teamsklave

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Hacking player

    We need bulletproof evidence and - of course - informations about his attack
  6. BlackJack55

    BlackJack55 Mitglied

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Re: Hacking player

    i've got only one player who saw what he did (and it wasn't me)
    i'm sorry that i haven't got more information about his attack. he deleted everything about his attack he could
    if the player won't be banned globally, take warning from this and pay attention
    sorry he forgot to delete the back-upped server log. There we've got some mean things from him and maybe even proofs
    here the important part
    2012-08-26 20:49:51 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:50:25 [INFO] matthias2000123[/] logged in with entity id 1129045 at ([world] -908.6376028332879, 54.0, -726.9738684368499)
    2012-08-26 20:51:08 [INFO] §f[§6Broadcast§f]: http://lala.minecraft.to:8123/ Unsere dynmap
    2012-08-26 20:51:15 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] matthias2000123: /warp spawn
    2012-08-26 20:51:34 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:52:30 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!![m
    2012-08-26 20:52:30 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!![m
    2012-08-26 20:52:31 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!![m
    2012-08-26 20:52:31 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!![m
    2012-08-26 20:52:32 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!![m
    2012-08-26 20:52:50 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] Ihr seit alle Schwul XD[m
    2012-08-26 20:53:08 [INFO] §f[§6Broadcast§f]:
    2012-08-26 20:53:08 [INFO] §fhttp:-//www.minecraft-server.eu/index.php?go=servernulld=336
    2012-08-26 20:53:08 [INFO] §f07
    2012-08-26 20:53:18 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] Opfarserver xP[m
    2012-08-26 20:53:26 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] PS: Ich griefe grad[m
    2012-08-26 20:53:52 [INFO] [glizer] Saving banqueue
    2012-08-26 20:53:52 [INFO] [glizer] Heartbeat, Online Players: 3
    2012-08-26 20:54:09 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:54:16 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] matthias2000123: /tpa marrio122
    2012-08-26 20:54:16 [WARNING] matthias2000123 was denied access to command.
    2012-08-26 20:54:23 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] matthias2000123: /tpahere marrio122
    2012-08-26 20:54:23 [WARNING] matthias2000123 was denied access to command.
    2012-08-26 20:54:35 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] wtf[m
    2012-08-26 20:54:37 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] permkgptm[m
    2012-08-26 20:54:38 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] ümtühmt[m
    2012-08-26 20:54:39 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] m[m
    2012-08-26 20:54:40 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] mütmhümht[m
    2012-08-26 20:54:41 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] mptntn tnltntnt[m
    2012-08-26 20:54:42 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] mn[m
    2012-08-26 20:55:00 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:55:08 [INFO] §f[§6Broadcast§f]: http://lala.minecraft.to:8123/ Unsere dynmap
    2012-08-26 20:55:51 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:55:57 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:56:44 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:57:08 [INFO] §f[§6Broadcast§f]:
    2012-08-26 20:57:08 [INFO] §fhttp:-//www.minecraft-server.eu/index.php?go=servernulld=336
    2012-08-26 20:57:08 [INFO] §f07
    2012-08-26 20:57:36 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-08-26 20:58:04 [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save..[m
    2012-08-26 20:58:04 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.[m
    2012-08-26 20:58:20 [INFO] [[37;1mworld[37;1m] globalban matthias2000123 griefing+beleidigung/rude behavior[m
    2012-08-26 20:58:27 [INFO] [33;1mBlackJack55 globally banned player: [33;22mmatthias2000123[m
    2012-08-26 20:58:27 [INFO] §eBlackJack55 globally banned player: §6matthias2000123
    2012-08-26 20:58:27 [INFO] [33;1mReason: [33;22mgriefing+beleidigung/rude behavior [m
    2012-08-26 20:58:27 [INFO] §eReason: §6griefing+beleidigung/rude behavior
    2012-08-26 20:58:27 [INFO] matthias2000123 lost connection: user was kicked.
    the part with /region delete Spawn is missing.
    as you can see in the log-part, hacking isn't the only reason why this player should be banned
    it's also for me a typical name for a hacker/griefer, 'cause his name is very long (and so it takes more time to write the ban-command)
    i hope that this is enough
  7. knight

    knight Stammi

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Hacking player

    In the log, are no informations about the attack to your server....
    Only that he has spammed, insulted is seen.

    Why this part of the log is available and the part with the region removable command is removed?
    He was 35 minutes online, 25 minutes is missing.

    He removed the spawn region? Why he can do this without any permissions, console or op?
    In the console you can't see who has deleted the region.

    Is LogBlock or an other logging plugin installed?

    To remove the log, you must have access to the FTP. Ask Nitrado for alog from the ftp server, who is seen that the same IP has connected as in Minecraft. Then we can ban him forever ;-)

    That is the reason, why i mirror my log ;-)

  8. BlackJack55

    BlackJack55 Mitglied

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Hacking player

    ok if there are no bulletproof proof's please watch sometimes at his global-reputation ok?
    i think that my server won't be the last one on which he hacked and if another server was hacked by him, I hope that this wil be a important reason to ban him
    i've got a request for all server-owners: please pay attention.

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