Hallo, ich wollte fragen wiso ich gebannt bin...Ich habe nur von meinem Bruder mitbekommen das er gebannt wurde und Glizer Downtimes ausgenutzt hat....Wäre erfeut weiterhin auf dem Server spielen zu dürfen...Werde auch dafür sorgen das mein bruder keinen Zugang mehr zu diesem Account bekommt wusste nichtmal das er die Daten hat... Biete vielmals um entschuldigung und mein Bruder ist echt ... wegen ihm kann ich nicht mehr zocken das finde ich ziemlich doof... mfg sennar01 MSG von DoDo: Ich werde es jetzt aufgeben auf diesem Server zuspielen da es ja eh keinen Sinn hat wollte nur meinem Bruder meine Sachen überschreiben und verabschiede mich hiermit vom crime Server. PS: Schreibe mit seinem Account weil ich keine Lust hatte mir einen Eigenen zu erstellen.
Re: Dispute sennar01 Das Forum ist englisch only so, lets Talk in english. Everyone is responsible for his Account. If your Brother was Banned, you are taking care about your Account. Probably you will Not be unbanned. And of course we Cannot verify that your Brother Caused the Ban. Im Sorry, but we Cannot help you! and you did Not read the forum's rules. You are ONLY allowed to post here if your global reputation is under -40 ! If you don't have luck, you'll be warned at the glizer master server. mfg. boomer
Re: Dispute sennar01 Das Forum ist englisch only so, lets Talk in english. Everyone is responsible for his Account. If your Brother was Banned, you are taking care about your Account. Probably you will Not be unbanned. And of course we Cannot verify that your Brother Caused the Ban. Im Sorry, but we Cannot help you! and you did Not read the forum's rules. You are ONLY allowed to post here if your global reputation is under -40 ! If you don't have luck, you'll be warned at the glizer master server. mfg. boomer
AW: Dispute sennar01 As boomer said, everyone is responsible for his Account! Abuse = Permanently Banned... PS: @Boomer the reputation is under -40 greez Knight
AW: Dispute sennar01 As boomer said, everyone is responsible for his Account! Abuse = Permanently Banned... PS: @Boomer the reputation is under -40 greez Knight
AW: Dispute sennar01 Btw.. the ban is outspoken by Krim, so there will be def. no way of undoing that :) That's the end of you plaing on any Glizer Servers with any Account of yours.
AW: Dispute sennar01 Btw.. the ban is outspoken by Krim, so there will be def. no way of undoing that :) That's the end of you plaing on any Glizer Servers with any Account of yours.