User removed Globalwarn

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussion" wurde erstellt von Skyshiny, 27. Dezember 2012.

  1. Skyshiny

    Skyshiny Neuling

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    My english is very bad, sry

    My sister (Resalotte) tells me that the user "Demo3000" offended her. I have globally warned the user (-20), and 10 minutes later (!) the user "Nickchens" praised him globally (+20) with the reason "Very nice and helpfully player".
    Even if it were so, that's no reason to praise a user globally 20 points. I think he only want to "remove" my globalwarn.
  2. Galliar12

    Galliar12 Stammi

    Punkte für Erfolge:
  3. Skyshiny

    Skyshiny Neuling

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Re: User removed Globalwarn

    But that isn't fair! +20 GLOBALLY is like take back 2 GLOBALbans! Nickchens only want to remove my globalban. I've played on this server for a long time, so I know that Demo3000 isn't a helpfully player - I've never seen that he helps players. Can you please change the globalpraise to a localpraise?
  4. Galliar12

    Galliar12 Stammi

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: User removed Globalwarn

    You know that he dont remove your bans? He only praise him so no one see when he join that he is globally warned. If you would see his reputation you can see that his "warns" also there ;-)

    Yes this is not fair, but Knight has answered to you and said ther is no abuse, so no one will do anything.
  5. knight

    knight Stammi

    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: User removed Globalwarn

    We have a few amount of rules but glizer is an open global-ban system based on recommendations =)

    Our Rules:

    Rule #1: Dont be evil.
    Rule #2: The community decides, always.
    Rule #3: The System must be fair and neutral to every server.
    Rule #4: All data are yours! Even when you uninstall glizer you're keeping your data.
    Rule #5: You decide what you want to use and how you want to use it.

    Note that the praise is already removed from him. But he doesn't praise himself on his own server to warn him.

    If this doesn't destroy our community with extremely Globalbans (-10) or globalpraises (10) we doesn't do anything ;-)


    PS: Beware the Dispute Forum if you wouldn't have a negative Reputation!

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